Vintelligen Innovations Pvt. Ltd.

Do you know how fast e-commerce is prospering?? Not very surprising, approximately 16.4% in the first three quarters especially during the last challenging years. This would specify that online purchases shoot up to 18.7% from 18.4%. 

*** Moreover, 2020 blossomed the e-commerce industry where users depended on online shopping for their day-to-day needs. 

Can any of you guess what’s the future of e-commerce? 

By 2023, it’s quite estimated a steep rise of e-commerce purchases to 22% from 14.1%. Mobile e-commerce platforms are also reaching their potential in the future. 

Where do you mark your position in the business industry??

  • Succeeded
  • On Progress
  • Not yet developed

Why Vintelligen??

We lend attractive and engaging designs to influence your e-commerce endeavor and move ahead in the market. We offer ecommerce marketplace development services for businesses running on any model and our consistent e-commerce web development and customization services to build solutions that match the client’s requirements. 

30 Smart Decisions to Scale Your Ecommerce Business In 2022

Create custom shopping experiences for your online customers

  • Adopt New Technologies

How flexible is your initiative? Could you cope up with the current market demands? Latest trends like AI, ML, chatbot, voice-based search, etc are worthy of online stores these days. Make it an easy shopping experience for your customers.

  • Mobile-friendly e-commerce solutions

It’s totaled that round the globe with 6.37 billion smartphone users, e-commerce stores have immense sales growth among modern customers. Responsive and user-friendly mobile apps drive users to know your products or services in just clicks away. 

  • D2C or Direct-to-Customers Opportunities

Online e-commerce solutions are growing from the new normal modes to D2C sales. A survey conducted reveals 55% of users handshakes for shopping from manufacturers than from retailers who cost additional charges and time. 

D2C graph goes from 

Manufacturers→ Digital Platforms→e-commerce channels→ Customers

This model is highly appreciated to boost sales in 2022 eliminating the needs of wholesalers, retail stores, brokers, etc, and leveraging direct channels with customers. Grow your brand through these digital channels and establish productive growth.

  • Find out why customers leave your shopping cart

Many of us add products to our shopping cart but rarely order them. This abandonment could be due to huge shipping costs, better offers on competitor sites, issues while processing payment, unauthorized charges, etc. Address those concerns and reach your customers.

Let’s forgo 2021 obstacles and survive the challenges for 2022.